program oldorbits c c checked orb6orbits.txt to look for orbits which may be in need of updating. c The test is as follows: checks to see if the time elapsed between the date c of the last observation used in calculating the orbit (either 'last' if c given or the date of the orbit reference) and the final measure in the WDS c is more than 20% of the period. If it is (and the period is greater than 1 c year) the orbit is worth checking for possible updates. Those orbits are c copied to one output file, and names of their png files are added to another c output file c character*1 pcode character*4 alast character*10 wds1,wds(2000) character*12 dd1,dd(2000) character*18 png1,png(2000) character*268 data1,data(2000) dimension p(2000),xlast(2000) c open(10,file='../Orb6/orb6orbits.txt',status='UNKNOWN') open(11,file='/data/wih/WDS/wds.summ',status='UNKNOWN') open(12,file='oldorbits.out',status='UNKNOWN') open(13,file='oldorbits.pngfiles',status='UNKNOWN') c norbs=0 100 read(10,901,end=180) data1,wds1,dd1,p1,pcode,xlast1a,igrade, $ xlast1b,png1,alast 901 format(a268,t20,a10,1x,a12,t82,f9.5,t93,a1,t229,f4.0,t234,i1, $ t241,f4.0,t247,a18,t229,a4) if (igrade .ge. 6) go to 100 xlast1=xlast1a if (alast .eq. ' ') xlast1=xlast1b if (pcode .eq. 'c') p1=p1*100. if (pcode .eq. 'd') p1=p1/365.2422 if (pcode .eq. 'h') p1=p1/365.2421987/24. if (pcode .eq. 'm') p1=p1/365.2421987/24./60. if (p1 .lt. 1.0) go to 100 norbs=norbs+1 data(norbs)=data1 wds(norbs)=wds1 dd(norbs)=dd1 p(norbs)=p1 xlast(norbs)=xlast1 png(norbs)=png1 go to 100 c 180 write(6,902) norbs 902 format(' norbs = ',i6) c 200 read(11,903,end=999) wds1,dd1,xlast1 903 format(a10,a12,t29,f4.0) do 300 n=1,norbs if (wds1 .ne. wds(n)) go to 300 if (dd1 .ne. dd(n)) go to 300 diff=(xlast1-xlast(n))/p(n) c write(12,904) wds1,dd1,xlast1 c 904 format(1x,a10,1x,a12,f7.0,f10.2) if (diff .lt. 0.2) go to 200 write(12,905) data(n),xlast(n),xlast1,diff 905 format(a268,2f6.0,f10.2) write(13,906) png(n) 906 format(a18) go to 200 300 continue go to 200 c 999 stop end