program temp c c This version of ephem reads several sets of orbital c elements, then determines predicted rho and theta c values over a requested set of dates. Header info c and links are added to convert output to html file. c c 2014/09/25: modified to deal with grade 7 correctly c 2015/02/26: modified extensively by George Kaplan. Converted to c double precision, with IAU expressions for Besselian epochs) c implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) character*1 junk,keep,aap,aaa,aai,aan,aat,aae,aao, $ acode,pcode,tcode,rflag character*1 dsign character*8 ref character*10 wds character*15 star character*17 note character*138 header dimension theta(25),rho(25),xbess(25) integer ibess(25) common p,a,xi,xnode,t0,ecc,omega c parameter ( pi = 3.14159265358979324D0 ) parameter ( degrad = 180.D0 / pi ) parameter ( b1900 = 15020.31352D0 ) parameter ( tropyr = 365.242198781D0 ) c open(10,file='../Catalog/orb6.master',status='UNKNOWN') open(11,file='temp.txt',status='UNKNOWN') c c read header lines from orbit catalog c do 200 n=1,4 200 read(10,901) junk 901 format(a1) norbits=0 c 500 read(10,906,end=800) wds,star,grade,keep,ref,p,pcode,a,acode, $ xi,xnode,t0,tcode,ecc,omega,aap,aaa,aai,aan,aat,aae,aao, $ rah,ram,ras,dsign,decd,decm,decs,eqnx 906 format(t20,a10,1x,a15,t244,f3.1,3x,a1,1x,a8,t81,f12.6,a1, $ t106,f9.5,a1,t126,f8.4,t144,f8.4,t163,f12.6,a1,t188,f8.6, $ t206,f8.4,t85,a1,t108,a1,t128,a1,t146,a1,t167,a1,t188,a1, $ t208,a1,t1,2f2.0,f5.1,a1,2f2.0,f4.1,t224,f4.0) c 600 write(11,906) wds,star,grade,keep,ref,p,pcode,a,acode, $ xi,xnode,t0,tcode,ecc,omega,aap,aaa,aai,aan,aat,aae,aao, $ rah,ram,ras,dsign,decd,decm,decs,eqnx go to 500 c 800 stop end