program orbgrids c c Version of orbgrid7 which reads WDS-style title line. c Also reads pm from title line, divides by 15 for arcsec --> sec c c 2004 sep 24 - removed old normal point routines, cleaned up. c At this point will compile propoerly and all errors are essentially c the same as before except error in a, which for example file is about c a factor of 10 too high. c c 2006 jun 02 - changed input to take name of form 'wds12345+1234' c and append '.dat', .orb', and '.plt' for input and output filenames. c (version orbgrid10) c c 2006 jun 02 - added input list option (version orbgrids) integer j,nobs,it,ie,ip,ipass,nloop,idsep,nnum,iip,iit,iie,n dimension ss(10),xma(2000),error(9,9,9),theta0(2000) real*8 elerr(7),elfix(7),obs(2000,6) character*1 decs character*3 code1,xcode character*13 filein character*18 code2,ycode character*20 file01,file02,file03 character*6 atheta,arho character*130 name common /comchar/code1(2000),code2(2000) common /numcom/qt,qth,qrho,qwt,tnmin(500),tnmax(500),nnum(500), $ t(2000),theta(2000),rho(2000),xo(2000),yo(2000),w(2000), $ xow(2000),x(2000),y(2000),dx(2000),dy(2000),dr(2000), $ dpa(2000),rdt(2000),yow(2000),sumwt,wbar,resx,resy,res degrad=0.0174532925 equ=2000. c c This program calculates Thiele-Innes elements and their errors from a c set of weighted visual measures. it does a grid search over a range c of P, E, and T0, calculating values of (A,B,F,G) by least squares. c After determining a (P,E,T0) set giving minimum errors, the grid spacing c is reduced and the process repeated. The first grid search ends when c all grid sizes decrease below 0.01 . Weights are then recalculated c based on residuals and the grid search restarted. The final grid c search ends when all grid sizes decrease below 0.0001 . c c Enter file names for i/o c open(10,file='',status='UNKNOWN') 100 read(10,901,end=999) filein 901 format(a13) c file01=filein//'.dat' file02=filein//'.orb' file03=filein//'.plt' write(6,'(//)') c open(1,file=file01,status='UNKNOWN') open(2,file=file02,status='UNKNOWN') open(3,file=file03,status='UNKNOWN') c c Read star name, position, and proper motion; determine proper c motion correction factor in theta. Also, read in initial c guesses at period, eccentricity, and T0, as well as step sizes. c read(1,904) name,rah,ram,decs,decd,decm,pm 904 format(a130,t1,f2.0,f3.1,a1,2f2.0,t63,f4.3) read(1,*) p0,t00,ecc0,pstep0,tstep0,estep0 pm=pm/15. write(2,'(a130)') name write(6,'(a130)') name ra=rah*15. + ram/4. dec=decd + decm/60. if (decs .eq. '-') dec=-dec write(2,905) ra,dec,pm,equ write(6,905) ra,dec,pm,equ 905 format(/' RA,Dec,PM,Equinox = ',2f12.3,f12.6,f10.0/) c corr = (0.0056*sin(degrad*ra)/cos(degrad*dec)) $ +0.00417*pm*sin(degrad*dec) ipass=1 nloop=0 nloop2=0 nobs=0 c c Read in data c 150 read(1,906,end=400) qt,qth0,qrho,xcode,qwt,ycode,atheta,arho 906 format(6x,f9.4,4x,f6.2,7x,f8.4,9x,a3,f5.1,5x,a18, $ t20,a6,t35,a6) if (qt .gt. 2020. .or. qt .lt. 1500.) go to 900 if (atheta .eq. ' ' .or. arho .eq. ' ') go to 150 c c Store all data into arrays for plot input file c qth = qth0 + corr*(equ - qt) if (qth .lt. 0.) qth=qth+360. if (qth .gt. 360.) qth=qth-360. if (qth .lt. 0.01) qth= 0.01 if (qth .gt. 359.99) qth=359.99 c 200 nobs=nobs+1 t(nobs)=qt theta0(nobs)=qth0 theta(nobs)=qth rho(nobs)=qrho code1(nobs)=xcode code2(nobs)=ycode w(nobs)=qwt xo(nobs) = rho(nobs)*cos(degrad*theta(nobs)) yo(nobs) = rho(nobs)*sin(degrad*theta(nobs)) go to 150 c 400 if (ipass .eq. 1) write(2,907) (t(j),theta(j),rho(j),xo(j), $ yo(j),code1(j),code2(j),w(j),j=1,nobs) if (ipass .eq. 1) write(6,907) (t(j),theta(j),rho(j),xo(j), $ yo(j),code1(j),code2(j),w(j),j=1,nobs) 907 format(2x,f11.4,f8.2,f8.4,2f9.4,2x,a3,1x,a18,f7.2) write(2,'(//)') write(6,'(//)') c c Define sum of weights and weighted x and y values for use in grid c 420 sumwt=0. do 450 j=1,nobs sumwt=sumwt+w(j) xow(j)=xo(j)*w(j) 450 yow(j)=yo(j)*w(j) wbar=sumwt/real(nobs) c pstep=pstep0 tstep=tstep0 estep=estep0 c c All step sizes must all go below minimum value "sizmin" before the c program hops out of the loop. Sizmin is set to 0.01 for the first c pass. For the second pass, weights are recalculated, the initial c step sizes are cut in half, and sizmin is reset to 0.0001 . Sizmin c for eccentricity is 10 times more stringent than for P and T0. c if (ipass .eq. 1) sizmin=0.01 if (ipass .ge. 2) sizmin=0.0001 if (ipass .eq. 2) pstep=pstep/2. if (ipass .eq. 2) tstep=tstep/2. if (ipass .eq. 2) estep=estep/2. ipass=ipass+1 c 500 do 550 ip=1,9 do 550 it=1,9 do 550 ie=1,9 550 error(ip,it,ie)=0. c ecc02=ecc0 eccx=ecc02+estep*4. if (eccx .ge. 0.9999) ecc02=0.9999-estep*4. do 720 ip=1,9 p=p0+pstep*real(ip-5) xmu = 360.0/p if (ip .eq. 1 .or. pstep .ne. 0.0) go to 580 do 570 iit=1,9 do 570 iie=1,9 570 error(ip,iit,iie)=error(1,iit,iie) go to 720 c 580 do 710 it=1,9 t0=t00+tstep*real(it-5) do 600 j=1,nobs xma(j)=xmu*(t(j)-t0) 600 continue if (it .eq. 1 .or. tstep .ne. 0.0) go to 650 do 620 iip=1,9 do 620 iie=1,9 620 error(iip,it,iie)=error(iip,1,iie) go to 710 c 650 do 700 ie=1,9 ecc=ecc02+estep*real(ie-5) if (ie .eq. 1 .or. estep .ne. 0.0) go to 680 do 660 iip=1,9 do 660 iit=1,9 660 error(iip,iit,ie)=error(iip,iit,1) go to 700 c c Calculate time dependent parameters and solve for c Thiele-Innes elements. Calculate errors c 680 call thin(ecc,xma,nobs,a,b,f,g,ss) if (estep+pstep+tstep .eq. 0.0) $ call elements(a,b,f,g,p,t0,ecc,semi,xinc,asc,per,pm) call errcalc(nobs,a,b,f,g,sigx,sigy,sigv1,sigv2, $ sigs1,sigs2,errtot,1) error(ip,it,ie)=errtot c 700 continue 710 continue 720 continue c c Interpolate error array to determine minimum c call interp(error,pstep,tstep,estep,p0,t00,ecc0,p,t0,ecc) xmu=360.0/p do 730 j=1,nobs xma(j)=xmu*(t(j)-t0) 730 continue call thin(ecc,xma,nobs,a,b,f,g,ss) call errcalc(nobs,a,b,f,g,sigx,sigy,sigv1,sigv2, $ sigs1,sigs2,errmin,2) c write(2,908) p,t0,ecc,errmin write(6,908) p,t0,ecc,errmin 908 format(' P,T0,ECC,ERR = ',25x,f11.5,f12.5,f9.5,f10.3) nloop=nloop+1 if (nloop .gt. 50) write(2,909) if (nloop .gt. 50) write(6,909) 909 format(/' Number of loops exceeded maximum allowed') c c if step sizes are sufficiently small or number of loops c exceeds maximum, go calculate elements c if (nloop .gt. 50) go to 800 if (max(pstep,tstep) .lt. sizmin .and. estep .lt. sizmin/10.) $ go to 800 c c Changes in P, T0, and ECC are checked for possible modification c of step sizes, as follows: c c (1) If changes exceed the step size for any one of the three grid c dimensions, the same values are used for the next grid search. c (2) If the same step sizes have been used 5 times, it's figured a c larger step size is needed. All step sizes are increased by c a factor of 1.5 . c (3) If none of the changes exceed the step sizes, all values are c decreased by a factor of 0.3 . c sfact=0.3 if (abs(p-p0) .gt. pstep) sfact=1.0 if (abs(t0-t00) .gt. tstep) sfact=1.0 if (abs(ecc-ecc0) .gt. estep) sfact=1.0 nloop2=nloop2+1 if (sfact .ne. 1.0) nloop2=0 if (nloop2 .eq. 5) sfact=1.5 if (nloop2 .eq. 5) nloop2=0 c pstep=pstep*sfact tstep=tstep*sfact estep=estep*sfact c write(2,'(" Step sizes: ",2f10.5,f8.5)') pstep,tstep,estep write(6,'(" Step sizes: ",2f10.5,f8.5)') pstep,tstep,estep call elements(a,b,f,g,p,t0,ecc,semi,xinc,asc,per,pm) p0=p t00=t0 ecc0=ecc go to 500 c c Call toko to calculate errors c 800 do 810 n=1,nobs obs(n,1)=dble(t(n)) obs(n,2)=dble(theta(n)) obs(n,3)=dble(rho(n)) if (w(n) .ne. 0.) obs(n,4)=dble(1./w(n)) if (w(n) .eq. 0.) obs(n,4)=dble(9.99) obs(n,5)=dble(dpa(n)) obs(n,6)=dble(dr(n)) 810 continue c do 820 k=1,7 820 elfix(k)=1. if (pstep0 .eq. 0.) elfix(1)=0. if (tstep0 .eq. 0.) elfix(2)=0. if (estep0 .eq. 0.) elfix(3)=0. call toko(nobs,p,t0,ecc,semi,asc,per,xinc,elerr,elfix,obs) pday = p*365.2422 errpday = elerr(1)*365.2422 c a3p2=semi*semi*semi/(p*p) write(2,910) resx,resy,res,sigv1,sigv2,sigs1,sigs2 write(6,910) resx,resy,res,sigv1,sigv2,sigs1,sigs2 910 format(/' Weighted RMS Residuals (X, Y, X+Y) = ',3f10.4, $ /' RMS Visual Residuals (dR, RdT) = ',2f10.4, $ /' RMS Speckle Residuals (dR, RdT) = ',2f10.4) write(2,'(//10x,"Orbital Elements for ",a23//)') name write(6,'(//10x,"Orbital Elements for ",a23//)') name write(2,911) a,b,f,g,pday,errpday,p,elerr(1),semi,elerr(4), $ xinc,elerr(7),asc,elerr(5),t0,elerr(2), $ ecc,elerr(3),per,elerr(6),a3p2 write(6,911) a,b,f,g,pday,errpday,p,elerr(1),semi,elerr(4), $ xinc,elerr(7),asc,elerr(5),t0,elerr(2), $ ecc,elerr(3),per,elerr(6),a3p2 911 format(10x,'A = ',f14.7,' B = ',f14.7, $ /10x,'F = ',f14.7,' G = ',f14.7, $ //10x,'Period (days) = ',f14.7,' +/- ',f12.7, $ //10x,'Period (years) = ',f14.7,' +/- ',f12.7, $ /10x,'Semi-major Axis = ',f14.7,' +/- ',f12.7, $ /10x,'Inclination = ',f14.7,' +/- ',f12.7, $ /10x,'Longitude Node = ',f14.7,' +/- ',f12.7, $ /10x,'T0 = ',f14.7,' +/- ',f12.7, $ /10x,'Eccentricity = ',f14.7,' +/- ',f12.7, $ /10x,'Longitude per = ',f14.7,' +/- ',f12.7/ $ /10x,'a^3/P^2 = ',e14.3,/) c if (ipass .ge. 3) go to 870 c c recalculate weights c write(2,912) write(6,912) 912 format(///' Weights recalculated from mean errors; grid search', $ ' repeated'//) do 860 j=1,nobs if (w(j) .eq. 0.0) go to 860 if (code1(j) .eq. 'VIS') go to 830 if (code1(j) .eq. 'XVI') go to 830 if (sigs1 .ne. 0.0) sratio1=abs(dr(j)/sigs1) if (sigs1 .eq. 0.0) sratio1=1. if (sigs2 .ne. 0.0) sratio2=abs(rdt(j)/sigs2) if (sigs2 .eq. 0.0) sratio2=1. sratio=max(sratio1,sratio2) if (sigv1 .ne. 0.0) svratio1=abs(dr(j)/sigv1) if (sigv1 .eq. 0.0) svratio1=1. if (sigv2 .ne. 0.0) svratio2=abs(rdt(j)/sigv2) if (sigv2 .eq. 0.0) svratio2=1. svratio=max(svratio1,svratio2) wfact=1. if (sratio .gt. 3.0) wfact=0.25 if (svratio .gt. 3.0) wfact=0. go to 840 830 if (sigv1 .ne. 0.0) vratio1=abs(dr(j)/sigv1) if (sigv1 .eq. 0.0) vratio1=1. if (sigv2 .ne. 0.0) vratio2=abs(rdt(j)/sigv2) if (sigv2 .eq. 0.0) vratio2=1. vratio=max(vratio1,vratio2) wfact=1. if (vratio .gt. 3.0) wfact=0. 840 w(j)=w(j)*wfact if (wfact .ne. 1.) write(2,913) t(j),w(j) if (wfact .ne. 1.) write(6,913) t(j),w(j) 913 format(' Weight for ',f11.4,' reduced to',f6.1) 860 continue c c Restart grid search using new weights and new minimum step size c nloop=0 go to 400 c 870 write(2,914) write(6,914) 914 format(//' Residuals from the final orbit are as follows:'// $ ' Date Observed Calculated dT ', $ ' dR dR RdT Wt Code'/) do 880 j=1,nobs xc=xo(j)-dx(j) yc=yo(j)-dy(j) sep=sqrt(xc*xc+yc*yc) pa=atan(yc/xc)/degrad if (xc .lt. 0.) pa=pa+180. if (xc .gt. 0. .and. yc .lt. 0.) pa=pa+360. idsep=nint(100.*dr(j)/sep) if (idsep .gt. 999) idsep= 999 if (idsep .lt. -999) idsep=-999 dpa(j)=theta(j)-pa if (dpa(j) .gt. 180.) dpa(j)=dpa(j)-360. if (dpa(j) .lt. -180.) dpa(j)=dpa(j)+360. write(2,915) t(j),theta(j),rho(j),pa,sep,dpa(j),dr(j),idsep, $ rdt(j),w(j),code1(j) write(6,915) t(j),theta(j),rho(j),pa,sep,dpa(j),dr(j),idsep, $ rdt(j),w(j),code1(j) 915 format(f10.4,f8.2,f8.4,f9.2,f8.4,f8.2,f8.4,i5,f8.3,f6.1,2x,a3) 880 continue c c Write input file for plotting c write(3,'(a130/"YES")') name write(3,916) p,semi,xinc,asc,t0,ecc,per 916 format(f13.6,'y',f10.5,'a',2f9.4,f13.6,'y',f9.6,f9.4,2x, $ 'new orb ') c do 890 n=1,nobs 890 write(3,917) t(n),theta0(n),rho(n),code1(n),w(n),code2(n) 917 format(6x,f9.4,4x,f6.2,7x,f8.4,9x,a3,f5.1,5x,a18) go to 100 stop 900 write(2,'(" Input data error: qt, nobs = ",f12.4,i8)') qt,nobs write(6,'(" Input data error: qt, nobs = ",f12.4,i8)') qt,nobs close(1) close(2) close(3) c go to 100 999 stop end c ccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc c subroutine kepler1(am,ecc,ae) degrad = 0.0174532925 if (ecc .lt. 0.0001) ecc=0.0001 if (ecc .gt. 0.9999) ecc=0.9999 eo = am + (ecc*sin(degrad*am))/degrad 100 e1 = am + (ecc*sin(degrad*eo))/degrad de = abs(e1 - eo) if (de .le. 0.01) go to 200 eo = e1 go to 100 200 ae = e1 return end c ccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc c subroutine thin(ecc,xma,nobs,a,b,f,g,ss) character*3 code1 character*18 code2 integer j,nobs,i,nnum dimension xma(2000),ss(10),ea(2000) common /comchar/code1(2000),code2(2000) common /numcom/qt,qth,qrho,qwt,tnmin(500),tnmax(500),nnum(500), $ t(2000),theta(2000),rho(2000),xo(2000),yo(2000),w(2000), $ xow(2000),x(2000),y(2000),dx(2000),dy(2000),dr(2000), $ dpa(2000),rdt(2000),yow(2000),sumwt,wbar,resx,resy,res degrad=0.0174532925 c if (ecc .lt. 0.0001) ecc=0.0001 if (ecc .gt. 0.9999) ecc=0.9999 f1 = sqrt(1.0-(ecc*ecc)) c do 100 j=1,nobs call kepler1(xma(j),ecc,ea(j)) x(j) = cos(degrad*ea(j)) - ecc y(j) = f1*sin(degrad*ea(j)) 100 continue c do 200 i=1,10 200 ss(i)=0.0 c do 300 j=1,nobs xw=x(j)*w(j) yw=y(j)*w(j) ss(1) = ss(1) + x(j)*xw ss(2) = ss(2) + y(j)*xw ss(3) = ss(3) + y(j)*yw ss(4) = ss(4) + x(j)*xow(j) ss(5) = ss(5) + y(j)*xow(j) ss(6) = ss(6) + x(j)*yow(j) ss(7) = ss(7) + y(j)*yow(j) ss(9) = ss(9) + xw ss(10)= ss(10)+ yw 300 continue c c Solve for Thiele-Innes elements c denom = ss(2)*ss(2) - ss(1)*ss(3) f = (ss(2)*ss(4) - ss(1)*ss(5))/denom a = (ss(2)*ss(5) - ss(3)*ss(4))/denom g = (ss(2)*ss(6) - ss(1)*ss(7))/denom b = (ss(2)*ss(7) - ss(3)*ss(6))/denom c return end c cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc c subroutine interp(error,pstep,tstep,estep,p0,t00,ecc0, $ p,t0,ecc) character*3 code1 character*18 code2 integer it,ie,ip,nnum,ipm,itm,iem dimension error(9,9,9) common /comchar/code1(2000),code2(2000) common /numcom/qt,qth,qrho,qwt,tnmin(500),tnmax(500),nnum(500), $ t(2000),theta(2000),rho(2000),xo(2000),yo(2000),w(2000), $ xow(2000),x(2000),y(2000),dx(2000),dy(2000),dr(2000), $ dpa(2000),rdt(2000),yow(2000),sumwt,wbar,resx,resy,res degrad=0.0174532925 c errmin=error(1,1,1) ipm=1 itm=1 iem=1 c do 100 ip=1,9 do 100 it=1,9 do 100 ie=1,9 if (error(ip,it,ie) .gt. errmin) go to 100 errmin=error(ip,it,ie) ipm=ip itm=it iem=ie 100 continue c pm=real(ipm) if (ipm .eq. 1 .or. ipm .eq. 9) go to 200 y1=error(ipm-1,itm,iem) y2=error(ipm, itm,iem) y3=error(ipm+1,itm,iem) a=(y3-y2-y2+y1)/2. b=y2-y1-a*(2.*pm-1.) pm=(-0.5)*b/a if (y1/y2 .gt. 10. .or. y3/y2 .gt. 10.) pm=real(ipm) c 200 tm=real(itm) if (itm .eq. 1 .or. itm .eq. 9) go to 300 y1=error(ipm,itm-1,iem) y2=error(ipm,itm ,iem) y3=error(ipm,itm+1,iem) a=(y3-y2-y2+y1)/2. b=y2-y1-a*(2.*tm-1.) tm=(-0.5)*b/a if (y1/y2 .gt. 10. .or. y3/y2 .gt. 10.) tm=real(itm) c 300 em=real(iem) if (iem .eq. 1 .or. iem .eq. 9) go to 400 y1=error(ipm,itm,iem-1) y2=error(ipm,itm,iem) y3=error(ipm,itm,iem+1) a=(y3-y2-y2+y1)/2. b=y2-y1-a*(2.*em-1.) em=(-0.5)*b/a if (y1/y2 .gt. 10. .or. y3/y2 .gt. 10.) em=real(iem) c 400 p=p0+pstep*(pm-5.) t0=t00+tstep*(tm-5.) ecc=ecc0+estep*(em-5.) c if (ecc .lt. 0.0001) ecc=0.0001 if (ecc .gt. 0.9999) ecc=0.9999 c return end c ccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc c subroutine errcalc(nobs,a,b,f,g,sigx,sigy,sigv1,sigv2, $ sigs1,sigs2,errtot,icode) character*3 code1 character*18 code2 integer j,nobs,nnum,icode common /comchar/code1(2000),code2(2000) common /numcom/qt,qth,qrho,qwt,tnmin(500),tnmax(500),nnum(500), $ t(2000),theta(2000),rho(2000),xo(2000),yo(2000),w(2000), $ xow(2000),x(2000),y(2000),dx(2000),dy(2000),dr(2000), $ dpa(2000),rdt(2000),yow(2000),sumwt,wbar,resx,resy,res degrad=0.0174532925 c sigx=0. sigy=0. c do 200 j=1,nobs xc=a*x(j) + f*y(j) dx(j)=xo(j) - xc sigx=sigx + dx(j)*dx(j)*w(j) yc=b*x(j) + g*y(j) dy(j)=yo(j) - yc sigy=sigy + dy(j)*dy(j)*w(j) 200 continue c resx = sqrt(sigx/sumwt) resy = sqrt(sigy/sumwt) res = sqrt((sigx+sigy)/sumwt) errtot=res*10000. if (icode .eq. 1) return c sigv1=0. sigv2=0. sigs1=0. sigs2=0. env=0. ens=0. do 400 j=1,nobs xc=a*x(j) + f*y(j) yc=b*x(j) + g*y(j) sep=sqrt(xc*xc+yc*yc) pa=atan(yc/xc)/degrad if (xc .lt. 0.) pa=pa+180. if (xc .gt. 0. .and. yc .lt. 0.) pa=pa+360. dr(j)=rho(j)-sep dpa(j)=theta(j)-pa if (dpa(j) .gt. 180.) dpa(j)=dpa(j)-360. if (dpa(j) .lt. -180.) dpa(j)=dpa(j)+360. rdt(j)=sep*dpa(j)*degrad c if (w(j) .eq. 0.) go to 400 if (code1(j) .eq. 'VIS') go to 300 if (code1(j) .eq. 'XVI') go to 300 ens=ens+1. sigs1=sigs1+dr(j)*dr(j) sigs2=sigs2+rdt(j)*rdt(j) go to 400 300 env=env+1. sigv1=sigv1+dr(j)*dr(j) sigv2=sigv2+rdt(j)*rdt(j) 400 continue if (env .ne. 0.) sigv1=sqrt(sigv1/env) if (env .ne. 0.) sigv2=sqrt(sigv2/env) if (ens .ne. 0.) sigs1=sqrt(sigs1/ens) if (ens .ne. 0.) sigs2=sqrt(sigs2/ens) return end c cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc c subroutine elements(a,b,f,g,p,t0,ecc,semi,xinc,asc,per,pm) character*3 code1 character*18 code2 integer nnum common /comchar/code1(2000),code2(2000) common /numcom/qt,qth,qrho,qwt,tnmin(500),tnmax(500),nnum(500), $ t(2000),theta(2000),rho(2000),xo(2000),yo(2000),w(2000), $ xow(2000),x(2000),y(2000),dx(2000),dy(2000),dr(2000), $ dpa(2000),rdt(2000),yow(2000),sumwt,wbar,resx,resy,res degrad=0.0174532925 c bmf=b-f bpf=b+f amg=a-g apg=a+g pang = abs(atan(bmf/apg))/degrad xmang = abs(atan(bpf/amg))/degrad if (bmf .lt. 0. .and. apg .lt. 0.) pang = 180. + pang if (bmf .lt. 0. .and. apg .gt. 0.) pang = 360. - pang if (bmf .gt. 0. .and. apg .lt. 0.) pang = 180. - pang if (bpf .lt. 0. .and. amg .lt. 0.) xmang = 180. + xmang if (bpf .lt. 0. .and. amg .gt. 0.) xmang = 360. - xmang if (bpf .gt. 0. .and. amg .lt. 0.) xmang = 180. - xmang asc = (pang+xmang)/2. if (asc .lt. 0.0) asc=asc+360. per = (pang-xmang)/2. if (per .lt. 0.0) per=per+360. sum1 = a*a + b*b + f*f + g*g sum2 = a*g - b*f p1 = sum1/sum2 p2 = sqrt(p1*p1-4.) p3 = abs((p1+p2)/2.) p4 = abs((p1-p2)/2.) if (p3 .gt. 1.) cinc=p4 if (p4 .gt. 1.) cinc=p3 sinc = sqrt(1.-cinc*cinc) if (cinc .ne. 0.) xinc = atan(abs(sinc/cinc))/degrad if (cinc .eq. 0.) xinc = 90. if (sum2 .lt. 0.) xinc = 180. - xinc if (xinc .ne. 90.) semi = sqrt(abs(sum2/cos(degrad*xinc))) if (xinc .eq. 90.) semi = 99.99 return end c cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc c subroutine toko(nobs,p,t0,ecc,semi,asc,per,xinc,elerr,elfix,obs) c c subroutines to determine formal errors, c from Andrei Tokovinin's PC orbit program c real*8 alpha(7,7),b(7),beta(7),chisq,dy,el(7),elerr(7),elfix(7), $ gr,nd(4),obs(2000,6),ochisq,phase,pi,pi2,res1,res2,sclel(7), $ sd(4),sig,sig2i,t,v integer lista(7) common /kepl/EL,B,T,V,PHASE,RES1,RES2 c pi=3.1415927 pi2=pi*2. gr=180./pi mfit=7 c el(1)=p el(2)=t0 el(3)=ecc el(4)=semi el(5)=asc el(6)=per el(7)=xinc c c Least-squares fitting of elements c c Make LISTA - list of elements to improve c k=0 DO 300 I=1,7 SCLEL(i)=1. ELERR(i)=0. lista(i-k)=i if (ELFIX(i) .EQ. 0) K=K+1 if (i .ge. 5) sclel(i)=gr 300 continue mfit=7-k c c Accumulate covariance matrix c DO 302 J=1,MFIT DO 301 K=1,J ALPHA(J,K)=0. 301 CONTINUE BETA(J)=0. 302 CONTINUE c CHISQ=0. DO 303 J=1,4 SD(J)=0. ND(J)=0. 303 continue CALL KEPLER(1) c c Data on visual binary orbit c DO 315 I=1,NOBS T=OBS(I,1) CALL KEPLER(2) CALL KEPLER(5) SIG2I=(OBS(I,3)/OBS(I,4))**2 c c Process theta c CALL KEPLER(6) DY=OBS(I,5)/GR SD(3)=SD(3)+OBS(I,5)*OBS(I,5) CALL COVSUM(MFIT,ALPHA,BETA,B,LISTA,DY,CHISQ,SIG2I) c c Process rho c CALL KEPLER(7) DY=OBS(I,6)/OBS(I,3) SD(4)=SD(4)+OBS(I,6)*OBS(I,6) CALL COVSUM(MFIT,ALPHA,BETA,B,LISTA,DY,CHISQ,SIG2I) 315 CONTINUE c ND(3)=dfloat(NOBS) ND(4)=dfloat(NOBS) c DO 317 J=2,MFIT DO 316 K=1,J-1 ALPHA(K,J)=ALPHA(J,K) 316 CONTINUE 317 CONTINUE c DO 318 J=1,4 IF (ND(J) .GT. 0.) SD(J)=dsqrt(SD(J)/ND(J)) 318 continue c write(2,'(/5x,"ChiSq=",f10.3,4f8.3/)') CHISQ, (SD(J), J=1,4) write(6,'(/5x,"ChiSq=",f10.3,4f8.3/)') CHISQ, (SD(J), J=1,4) CALL GAUSSJ(ALPHA,MFIT,7,BETA,1,1) SCLEL(1)=(-(EL(1)**2))/PI2 SIG=dsqrt(CHISQ/(2*NOBS-MFIT)) c DO 400 I=1,MFIT J=LISTA(I) ELERR(J)=ABS(SCLEL(J))*SIG*dsqrt(ABS(ALPHA(I,I)))*ELFIX(J) 400 continue c return end c cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc C SUBROUTINE COVSUM(MFIT,ALPHA,BETA,B,LISTA,DY,CHISQ,SIG2I) REAL*8 ALPHA(7,7),B(7),BETA(7),CHISQ,dy,SIG2I,WT INTEGER LISTA(7) c DO 200 J=1,7 WT=B(LISTA(J))*SIG2I DO 100 K=1,J ALPHA(J,K)=ALPHA(J,K)+WT*B(LISTA(K)) 100 CONTINUE BETA(J)=BETA(J)+DY*WT 200 CONTINUE CHISQ=CHISQ+DY*DY*SIG2I RETURN END c cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc c SUBROUTINE GAUSSJ(A,N,NP,B,M,MP) real*8 A(7,7),B(7,1),big,dum,pivinv integer IPIV(50),INDXR(50),INDXC(50) DO 11 J=1,N IPIV(J)=0 11 CONTINUE DO 22 I=1,N BIG=0. DO 13 J=1,N IF (IPIV(J).NE.1) THEN DO 12 K=1,N IF (IPIV(K).EQ.0) THEN IF (dABS(A(J,K)).GE.BIG) THEN BIG=ABS(A(J,K)) IROW=J ICOL=K ENDIF ELSE IF (IPIV(K).GT.1) THEN write(2,'(" Singular matrix: k,ipiv(k) =",2i6)') k,ipiv(k) write(6,'(" Singular matrix: k,ipiv(k) =",2i6)') k,ipiv(k) ENDIF 12 CONTINUE ENDIF 13 CONTINUE IPIV(ICOL)=IPIV(ICOL)+1 IF (IROW.NE.ICOL) THEN DO 14 L=1,N DUM=A(IROW,L) A(IROW,L)=A(ICOL,L) A(ICOL,L)=DUM 14 CONTINUE DO 15 L=1,M DUM=B(IROW,L) B(IROW,L)=B(ICOL,L) B(ICOL,L)=DUM 15 CONTINUE ENDIF INDXR(I)=IROW INDXC(I)=ICOL IF (A(ICOL,ICOL).EQ.0.) write(2,992) icol,a(icol,icol) IF (A(ICOL,ICOL).EQ.0.) write(6,992) icol,a(icol,icol) 992 format(' Singular matrix: icol, a(icol,icol) = ',i6,f10.5) PIVINV=1./A(ICOL,ICOL) A(ICOL,ICOL)=1. DO 16 L=1,N A(ICOL,L)=A(ICOL,L)*PIVINV 16 CONTINUE DO 17 L=1,M B(ICOL,L)=B(ICOL,L)*PIVINV 17 CONTINUE DO 21 LL=1,N IF (LL.NE.ICOL) THEN DUM=A(LL,ICOL) A(LL,ICOL)=0. DO 18 L=1,N A(LL,L)=A(LL,L)-A(ICOL,L)*DUM 18 CONTINUE DO 19 L=1,M B(LL,L)=B(LL,L)-B(ICOL,L)*DUM 19 CONTINUE ENDIF 21 CONTINUE 22 CONTINUE DO 24 L=N,1,-1 IF (INDXR(L).NE.INDXC(L)) THEN DO 23 K=1,N DUM=A(K,INDXR(L)) A(K,INDXR(L))=A(K,INDXC(L)) A(K,INDXC(L))=DUM 23 CONTINUE ENDIF 24 CONTINUE RETURN END c cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc c SUBROUTINE KEPLER(NVAR) c c *************************************************** c Collection of subroutines to calculate orbits c Programmed by A.A.Tokovinin, last change 22-Feb-91 c Elements are stored in the REAL*8 array EL(i): c 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 c P T e a node w i K1 K2 V0 c Data are transfered via common block KEPL: c /EL(j), B(j)=d/dEL(j), epoch T, PHASE, RES1, RES2/ c The control parameter NVAR has the following meaning: c 1 - initialize elements and functions of elements c 2 - calculate orbital phase and solve Kepler equation c 3 - solve Kepler equation c 4 - radial velocity ephemerid (res1,2 = Vel 1,2) c 5 - visual binary ephemerid (res1,2 = TETA,RO) c 6-9 - Derivatives of TETA,RO,V1,V2 over elements c 10 - visual binary ephemerides, RES1=x, RES2=y c ***************************************************** c real*8 a,a1,a2,a3,a4,a5,aa,anm,b(7),bb,ce,cf,cf2,cf3,ci,ctmw, $ cu,cv,cw,cww,dt,e,e1,ec,el(7),ff,gg,gr,k1,k2,p,phase,pi, $ pi2,pmu,r,res1,res2,ro,se,sf,si,stmw,su,sv,sw,sww,t,t0,ti, $ tmw,u,v,v0,w,ww,x,y common /kepl/EL,B,T,V,PHASE,RES1,RES2 pi=3.1415927 pi2=pi*2. gr=180./pi c GOTO (10,20,30,40,50,60,70,80,90,100) NVAR c c ----- NVAR=1 ----- Initialize elements and functions of elements c 10 P=EL(1) PMU=PI2/P T0=EL(2) c SF=EL(3) CF2=1.-SF*SF CF=dsqrt(CF2) CF3=CF*CF2 EC=dsqrt((1.+SF)/(1.-SF)) c A=EL(4) c WW=EL(5)/GR CWW=dcos(WW) SWW=dsin(WW) c W=EL(6)/GR CW=dcos(W) SW=dsin(W) c SI=dsin(EL(7)/GR) CI=dcos(EL(7)/GR) TI=SI/CI c K1=EL(8) c K2=EL(9) c V0=EL(10) c c Thiele-van-den-Bos elements c AA=A*(CW*CWW-SW*SWW*CI) BB=A*(CW*SWW+SW*CWW*CI) FF=A*(-SW*CWW-CW*SWW*CI) GG=A*(-SW*SWW+CW*CWW*CI) RETURN c c ----- NVAR=2 ----- Phase for the moment T and... c 20 DT=T-T0 PHASE=MOD((T-T0)/P,1.0) IF (PHASE .LT. 0.) PHASE=PHASE+1. c c ----- NVAR=3 ----- Solve Kepler equation c 30 ANM=PHASE*PI2 E=ANM 31 E1=E+(ANM+SF*dsin(E)-E)/(1.0-SF*dcos(E)) IF (dABS(E1-E) .GT. 1.E-5) THEN E=E1 GOTO 31 END IF V=2.*datan(EC*dtan(E1/2.)) U=V+W SU=dsin(U) CU=dcos(U) RETURN c c ----- NVAR=4 ----- Radial velocity ephemeride c 40 A1=SF*CW+CU RES1=V0+K1*A1 RES2=V0-K2*A1 RETURN c c ----- NVAR=5 ----- calc. TETA and RO c 50 CE=dcos(E1) SE=dsin(E1) R=A*(1.-SF*CE) TMW=datan(CI*dtan(U)) IF (CU.LT.0.) TMW=TMW+PI STMW=dsin(TMW) CTMW=dcos(TMW) c RO=R*CU/CTMW RES1=(TMW+WW)*GR IF (RES1 .GT. 360.) RES1=RES1-360. IF (RES1 .LT. 0.) RES1=RES1+360. RES2=RO RETURN c c ----- NVAR=6 ----- B(j)=dTETA/dEL(j), RES1=TETA c 60 A1=(A/RO)**2 A2=R/A A3=A1*CF*CI A4=CTMW*STMW B(1)=A3*DT B(2)=-A3*PMU B(3)=A1*CI*SE*(A2+CF2)/CF B(4)=0. B(5)=1. B(6)=CI*(CTMW/CU)**2 B(7)=-TI*A4 RETURN c c ----- NVAR=7 ----- B(j)=1/RO*dRO/dEL(j) c 70 A1=(A/R)**2 A2=R/A A4=CTMW*STMW A5=A4*TI*SI A3=A1*(SF*SE-A5*CF) c B(1)=A3*DT B(2)=-A3*PMU B(3)=-A1*((CE-SF)*CF+A4*(A2+CF2)*SE)/CF B(4)=1./A B(5)=0. B(6)=-A5 B(7)=-TI*STMW*STMW RETURN c c ----- NVAR=8 ----- B(j)=1/K1*dV1/dEL(j), RES1=V1 c 80 SV=dsin(V) CV=dcos(V) A1=(1.+SF*CV)**2*SU/CF3 c B(1)=(-A1)*DT B(2)=A1*PMU B(3)=CW-SU*SV*(2.+SF*CV)/CF2 B(4)=0. B(5)=0. B(6)=-SU-SF*SW B(7)=0. c B(8)=CU+SF*CW c RES1=V0+K1*B(8) c B(8)=B(8)/K1 c B(9)=0. c B(10)=1./K1 RETURN c c ----- NVAR=9 ----- B(j)=1/K2*dV2/dEL(j), RES1=V2 c 90 SV=dsin(V) CV=dcos(V) A1=(1.+SF*CV)**2*SU/CF3 c B(1)=A1*DT B(2)=-A1*PMU B(3)=-CW+SU*SV*(2.+SF*CV)/CF2 B(4)=0. B(5)=0. B(6)=SU+SF*SW B(7)=0. c B(8)=-CU-SF*CW c RES1=V0+K2*B(8) c B(9)=B(8)/K2 c B(8)=0. c B(10)=1./K2 RETURN c c ----- NVAR=10 ----- c 100 CV=dcos(V) R=CF2/(1.+SF*CV) X=R*CV Y=R*dsin(V) RES1=AA*X+FF*Y RES2=BB*X+GG*Y RETURN c END c cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc