program pickstar1 c c This program picks out data from the measurements c catalogues for all stars in input file c character*203 data character*80 star character*6 star1, starin(600) c c Open all input and output files c open(10,file='',status='UNKNOWN') open(11,file='orb6.master',status='UNKNOWN') open(12,file='pickstar1.out',status='UNKNOWN') c c read list of stars for which data are wanted c nstar=1 100 read(10,901,end=200) starin(nstar) 901 format(t5,a6) nstar=nstar+1 go to 100 200 nstar=nstar-1 c c Read star names from catalogue, match against list c 300 read(11,902,end=999) data,star1 902 format(a203,t58,a6) c c iflag set = 1 if matches c do 400 n=1,nstar if (star1 .ne. starin(n)) go to 400 write(12,903) data 903 format(a203) go to 300 400 continue go to 300 c 999 stop end