PRO plotorb_ps, dum ; plotorb plots the orbital ".in" file ; ULTRIX IDL version, written by Edmund G. Dombrowski, 12/89, ; modified by W. Hartkopf 1/90, 7/90. ; Based on VMS fortran programs written by W. Hartkopf and adapted to IDL by D. Gies. ; menu versions by WIH 8/99, 9/99, 3/00, 6/00 ; 2005/08/24 - add black+white option for journal figures, etc. ; 2007/10/21 - version for remote operation (ps only, no menu) plotorb_ps_subs ; compile subroutines !p.background=255 common orbpar,pm,p,a,xi,xnode,t0,ecc,omega,c_black,c_red,c_green, $ c_dkblue,c_rayin,c_rayout,c_fuchsia,c_white set_plot,'ps' device, /inches, xoffset=0.75, yoffset=2.0 ; offsets for bottom left corner device, /inches, xsize=7.0, ysize=7.0 ; x and y size for 8 1/2 x 11 !p.font=0 ; font selector to hardware option loadct,12 ; load color table tvlct,r,g,b,/get ; define colors for ct=12 c_black=0 & c_red=200 & c_green=30 c_dkblue=108 & c_wedge=230 & c_fuchsia=135 c_white=255 & c_rayin=215 & c_rayout=230 MAIN: rx=[0.] & ry=[0.] xl=[0.] & yl=[0.] close,10 & infile=' ' & print,' ' read,' Enter plot file name: ',infile ; READ PLOT FILE openr,10,infile ref=' ' & refa=' ' orbgrid='N' read,' Is this an orbgrid plot file? (Y or N): ',orbgrid ; SOURCE OF FILE? if (orbgrid eq 'n') then orbgrid='N' if (orbgrid eq 'y') then orbgrid='Y' psout=' ' read,' Enter output ps file name: ',psout ; POSTSCRIPT FILENAME device,/close_file device, filename=psout device,/color puborb='N' & pubfile=' ' read,' Do you wish to overplot a published orbit? (Y or N): ',puborb ; PLOT PUBLISHED ORBIT? if (puborb eq 'y') then puborb='Y' if (puborb eq 'Y') then read,' Enter name for published orbit: ',pubfile px1=[0.] & py1=[0.] if (pubfile ne ' ') then orbpub,pubfile,px1,py1 qfill='N' & aper=999. read,' Do you wish to plot a Rayleigh limit circle? (Y or N): ',qfill ; PLOT RAYLEIGH LIMIT? if (qfill eq 'y') then qfill='Y' if (qfill eq 'Y') then read,' Enter aperture in meters: ',aper wedge='N' & wstart=2000. & wend=2020. read,' Do you wish to plot a wedge? (Y or N): ',wedge ; PLOT WEDGE? if (wedge eq 'y') then wedge='Y' if (wedge eq 'Y') then read,' Enter starting date: ',wstart if (wedge eq 'Y') then read,' Enter ending date: ',wend print,' ' orbget,star,pos,rx,ry,x,y,nsymbol,ssize,npt,xl,yl,xcalc,ycalc,wt, $ ; read in data ref,refa,wstart,wend,xwedge,ywedge,orbgrid ;................................................................... PLOTIT: xmax=max([rx,x,px1]) & xmin=min([rx,x,px1]) ; find maximum data range ymax=max([ry,y,py1]) & ymin=min([ry,y,py1]) ylen=ymax-ymin & xlen=xmax-xmin yxratio=ylen/xlen ; calculate y to x axis ratio ; to determine an even range ; Check the ratio for cases >=1 and <1 and add an appropriate width to ; xmin, xmax, ymin, and ymax to center the plot in the window. This width ; (= xymargin) is set smaller if the orbit is largely horizontal or ; vertical, since these plots are more likely to be crowded. Conversely, ; it's set somewhat larger for near circular orbits to avoid the NE ; arrows and the semi-major axis legend. xymargin=0.2 if((yxratio lt 0.5) or (yxratio gt 2.0)) then xymargin=0.1 if((yxratio gt 0.9) and (yxratio lt 1.1)) then xymargin=0.25 if(yxratio ge 1.0000) then begin yfactor=xymargin*ylen xfactor=yfactor+(ylen-xlen)/2.0 endif if(yxratio lt 1.0000) then begin xfactor=xymargin*xlen yfactor=xfactor+(xlen-ylen)/2.0 endif newxmin=xmin-xfactor & newxmax=xmax+xfactor newymin=ymin-yfactor & newymax=ymax+yfactor occxmax=xmax+xfactor*0.3 & occxmin=xmin-xfactor*0.3 occymax=ymax+yfactor*0.3 & occymin=ymin-yfactor*0.3 ; set up other plotting variables. !x.minor=-1 & !y.minor=-1 ; suppress minor ticks. STARTPLOT: !x.margin=[0,0] & !y.margin=[0,0] ; set up x and y range ! & ! !x.range=[newxmin,newxmax] & !y.range=[newymin,newymax] plus=0.025*(newxmax-newxmin) ; plot origin as large plus sign, ; based on size of new axes. plot, [-plus,plus], [0,0], thick=2,charsize=1.25,xcharsize=0.75,ycharsize=0.75,ticklen=0.01, $ xtickname=REPLICATE(' ',10),ytickname=REPLICATE(' ',10),/isotropic,/nodata axis,0.0,yaxis=1,ticklen=-0.01,/normal axis,0.0,xaxis=1,ticklen=-0.01,/normal if (qfill eq 'Y') then begin ; shade in Rayleigh limit region ray1=0.1258/aper xlim=fltarr(361) & ylim=fltarr(361) A=fltarr(361) for i=0,360 do A(i)=i A=A*(!pi *2/360.) xlim=cos(A)*ray1 > newxmin < newxmax ylim=sin(A)*ray1 > newymin < newymax polyfill,xlim,ylim,color=c_rayout endif diff1=(newxmax-newxmin) & diff2=(newymax-newymin) xt1=newxmin+0.08*diff1 & xt2=newxmax-0.08*diff1 yt1=newymin+0.930*diff2 & yt2=newymin+0.975*diff2 oplot, [-plus,plus], [0,0], thick=2 oplot, [0,0], [-plus,plus], thick=2 polyfill,[xt1,xt2,xt2,xt1,xt1],[yt1,yt1,yt2,yt2,yt1],color=255 xyouts,0.06,0.94,'WDS '+pos, charsize=1.0,alignment=0.0,/normal xyouts,0.55,0.94,star, charsize=1.0,alignment=0.5,/normal if (refa eq ' ') then xyouts,0.94,0.94,'('+ref+')',charsize=1.0,alignment=1.0,color=c_black,/normal if (refa ne ' ') then xyouts,0.94,0.94,'('+ref+refa+')',charsize=1.0,alignment=1.0,color=c_black,/normal ;plot the north-east bars in lower right corner. nesetx1=newxmax-(0.15*diff1) & nesetx2=newxmax-(0.10*diff1) nesety2=newymin+(0.15*diff2) & nesety1=newymin+(0.10*diff2) nletx=nesetx1-(0.006*diff1) & nlety=nesety1-(0.025*diff2) eletx=nesetx2+(0.0125*diff1) & elety=nesety2-(0.006*diff2) oplot, [nesetx1,nesetx2], [nesety2,nesety2],color=c_black oplot, [nesetx1,nesetx1], [nesety2,nesety1],color=c_black xyouts, nletx, nlety, 'N', size=0.9,color=c_black xyouts, eletx, elety, 'E', size=0.9,color=c_black ; plot a bold frame around axis oplot, [newxmin*0.999,newxmin*0.999], [newymin,newymax],color=c_black, thick=5 oplot, [newxmin,newxmax], [newymin*0.999,newymin*0.999],color=c_black, thick=5 oplot, [newxmax*0.999,newxmax*0.999], [newymin,newymax],color=c_black, thick=5 oplot, [newxmin,newxmax], [newymax*0.999,newymax*0.999],color=c_black, thick=5 bx=fltarr(17) & by=fltarr(17) ; plot CW or CCW arc A=fltarr(17) & for i=0,16 do A(i)=i A=A*(!pi *1/32.) + !pi*1.5 xarc=newxmax-(0.124*diff1) & yarc=newymin+(0.125*diff2) bx=cos(A)*0.043*diff1 & by=sin(A)*0.043*diff2 oplot,bx+xarc,by+yarc,thick=1.5 if (xi le !pi/2.) then oplot, $ [xarc+0.038*diff1,xarc+0.043*diff1,xarc+0.048*diff1,xarc+0.043*diff1,xarc+0.043*diff1], $ [yarc,yarc+0.010*diff2,yarc,yarc+0.010*diff2,yarc],thick=1.5,color=c_black if (xi le !pi/2.) then oplot,[xarc,xarc-0.010*diff1],[yarc-0.043*diff1,yarc-0.043*diff1], $ thick=1.5,color=c_black if (xi gt !pi/2.) then oplot, $ [xarc,xarc-0.010*diff1,xarc,xarc-0.010*diff1,xarc], $ [yarc-0.048*diff2,yarc-0.043*diff1,yarc-0.038*diff2,yarc-0.043*diff1,yarc-0.043*diff1], $ thick=1.5,color=c_black if (xi gt !pi/2.) then oplot,[xarc+0.043*diff1,xarc+0.043*diff1],[yarc,yarc+0.010*diff2], $ thick=1.5,color=c_black ;................................................................ ; new plotting routine. sym=intarr(10) sym(1)=6 ;open circle (eyepiece interferometry - plotted in routine plotcirc) sym(2)=3 ;filled circle (speckle, etc - plotted in routine plotcirc) sym(3)=1 ;plus sign (micrometry) sym(4)=2 ;asterisk (photography) sym(5)=5 ;triangle (occultation) sym(6)=4 ;filled "H" (Hipparcos - plotted in routine plothip) sym(7)=7 ;filled star (USNO - plotted in routine plotstar) sym(8)=8 ;filled "T" (Tycho - plotted in routine plottyc) sym(9)=9 ;filled square (multi-aper. int. - plotted in routine plotsqr) if (wedge eq 'Y') then begin ; shade in wedge if desired polyfill,xwedge,ywedge,color=c_rayin oplot, [-plus,plus], [0,0], thick=2,color=c_black oplot, [0,0], [-plus,plus], thick=2,color=c_black endif xx=fltarr(2) & yy=fltarr(2) ;plot O-C lines for i=0,npt do begin xx(0)=x(i) & xx(1)=xcalc(i) yy(0)=y(i) & yy(1)=ycalc(i) if ((wt(i) ne 0.) and (nsymbol(i) ne 5)) then begin if (nsymbol(i) eq 1) then oplot,xx,yy,linestyle=0,color=c_dkblue if (nsymbol(i) eq 2) then oplot,xx,yy,linestyle=0,color=c_dkblue if (nsymbol(i) eq 3) then oplot,xx,yy,linestyle=0,color=c_green if (nsymbol(i) eq 4) then oplot,xx,yy,linestyle=0,color=c_fuchsia if (nsymbol(i) eq 6) then oplot,xx,yy,linestyle=0,color=c_red if (nsymbol(i) eq 7) then oplot,xx,yy,linestyle=0,color=c_dkblue if (nsymbol(i) eq 8) then oplot,xx,yy,linestyle=0,color=c_red if (nsymbol(i) eq 9) then oplot,xx,yy,linestyle=0,color=c_dkblue endif if ((wt(i) eq 0.) and (nsymbol(i) ne 5)) then begin if (nsymbol(i) eq 1) then oplot,xx,yy,linestyle=1,color=c_dkblue if (nsymbol(i) eq 2) then oplot,xx,yy,linestyle=1,color=c_dkblue if (nsymbol(i) eq 3) then oplot,xx,yy,linestyle=1,color=c_green if (nsymbol(i) eq 4) then oplot,xx,yy,linestyle=1,color=c_fuchsia if (nsymbol(i) eq 6) then oplot,xx,yy,linestyle=1,color=c_red if (nsymbol(i) eq 7) then oplot,xx,yy,linestyle=1,color=c_dkblue if (nsymbol(i) eq 8) then oplot,xx,yy,linestyle=1,color=c_red if (nsymbol(i) eq 9) then oplot,xx,yy,linestyle=1,color=c_dkblue endif endfor for i=0,npt do begin ;plot observations temp=nsymbol(i) if (temp eq 3) then oplot,[x(i)],[y(i)],psym=sym(temp), $ symsize=ssize(i),color=c_green if (temp eq 4) then oplot,[x(i)],[y(i)],psym=sym(temp), $ symsize=ssize(i),color=c_fuchsia endfor sssize=ssize*0.006*(newxmax-newxmin) ; scale symbol size for plotcirc, ; plothip, plottyc, plotstar plotcirc, x, y, nsymbol, sssize ; plot open and filled circles plothip, x, y, nsymbol, sssize ; plot filled "H" plottyc, x, y, nsymbol, sssize ; plot filled "T" plotstar, x, y, nsymbol, sssize ; plot stars plotsqr, x, y, nsymbol, sssize ; plot filled squares oplot,xl,yl,linestyle=3,thick=2,color=c_black ; plot line of nodes xx=fltarr(2) & yy=fltarr(2) ;plot occultation vectors for i=0,npt do begin xx(0)=x(i) & xx(1)=xcalc(i) yy(0)=y(i) & yy(1)=ycalc(i) if (nsymbol(i) eq 5) then begin aaa1=y(i)/x(i) & bbb1=ycalc(i)-aaa1*xcalc(i) aaa2=-x(i)/y(i) & bbb2=y(i)-aaa2*x(i) xx(1)=x(i) & xx(0)=(bbb2-bbb1)/(aaa1-aaa2) yy(1)=y(i) & yy(0)=aaa1*xx(0)+bbb1 oplot,xx,yy,linestyle=0,color=85 xx(1)=xcalc(i) & yy(1)=ycalc(i) if (wt(i) ne 0) then oplot,xx,yy,linestyle=0,color=85 if (wt(i) eq 0) then oplot,xx,yy,linestyle=1,color=85 endif endfor ; plot published orbit if (pubfile ne ' ') then begin pxx=fltarr(2) & pyy=fltarr(2) for i=0,179 do begin pxx(0)=px1(i+i) & pxx(1)=px1(i+i+1) pyy(0)=py1(i+i) & pyy(1)=py1(i+i+1) oplot,pxx,pyy,color=c_black endfor endif oplot, rx,ry,thick=5,color=c_black ; plot calculated orbit over data device,/close_file return end