Postdoctoral Fellowship Letter Writers' Log
Last Update on 2019.0207 at ~9am by MLS

                                               SBD                   WCJ                   TJH                   MCB
Title (simplified)                   Due       Asked     Submitted   Asked     Submitted   Asked     Submitted   Asked     Submitted  Ad Link   Submission Information and IMPORTANT NOTES

Wait for Application Submission, Receive Email, Then GO

Postdoc in Exoplanet Research (AIP)  unknown   2018.1219 .........   2018.1219 .........   2018.1219 .........   --------- ---------  Link      will receive an email request if I make it far enough

May be contacted as a reference

Gemini-North Science Ops Specialist  Jan 31    --------- ---------   2019.0122 ---------   2019.0122 ---------   --------- ---------  Link      NOTE - no personal research, 5-10 nights observing (not necessarily on the mountain) per month. 3rd Reference = Hernan Tirado



LSA Collegiate Fellows               Oct 08    --------- ---------   2018.0926 2018.1003   2018.0926 2018.1001   2018.0925 2018.1008  Link      email will be sent. read by experts and non-expertsC
CSH Fellowships                      Oct 31    2018.1024 2018.1027   2018.0926 2018.1029   2018.0926 2018.1011   --------- ---------  Link      Email letter in PDF form to Danielle Zemp (danielle.zemp 'at' csh.unibe.ch). 
NASA Postdoctoral Program            Oct 31*   2018.1024 2018.1027   2018.1021 2018.1029   2018.1015 2018.1016   --------- ---------  Link      Expect an email from "noreply@epo.usra.edu" entitled "NPP - Letter of Recommendation" (* date was set to Nov 1, but I need to submit all the letters with the application, so I moved it to the day before)
Princeton Postdoctoral Positions     Nov ??    2018.1108 2018.1112   2018.1108 2018.1109   2018.1108 2018.1108   --------- ---------  Link      An email will be sent to letter writers *on or after Nov 7*. Applying to Henry Norris Russell Fellowship (probably not Carnegie-Princeton Fellowship after all)
Stockholm U Exoplanets Postdoc       Nov 15    2018.1107 2018.1113   2018.1107 2018.1109   2018.1015 2018.1015   --------- ---------  Links 1&2 Send letter of recommendation (maximum 1 file?) directly to fv-3305-18.refletters@astro.su.se
Swift Post Doc at NASA GSFC          Nov 30+   2018.1121 2018.1201   2018.1121 2018.1130   2018.1121 2018.1130   --------- ---------  Link      You will receive an email from NASA GSFC after I submit my application (which is due Nov 30)
Max Planck Fellowship                Dec 01    2018.1121 2018.1201   2018.1121 2018.1129   2018.1121 2018.1129   --------- ---------  Link      Submit using registrant code SILVERSTEIN_1813 here
Johns Hopkins x 2                    Dec 01    2018.1121 2018.1130   2018.1121 2018.1129   2018.1121 2018.1129   --------- ---------  Ads 1&2   You should have received a few emails from academicjobsonline.org. 
JPL                                  Dec 14    2018.1207 2018.1213   2018.1207 2018.1211   2018.1207 2018.1210   --------- ---------  Link      email to Karl Stapelfeldt at Karl.R.Stapelfeldt@jpl.nasa.gov
Karl Schwarzschild Postdoc (AIP)     Dec 31    2018.1219 2018.1231   2018.1219 2018.1221   2018.1219 2019.1229   --------- ---------  Link      send to Prof. Katja Poppenhaeger via bewerbung_2018-29@aip.de
Post-Doc in Exoplanet Science U Mich ASAP      2019.0112 2019.0115   2019.0112 2019.0114   2019.0112 2019.0118   --------- ---------  Link      email to mrmeyer@umich.edu, OK THAT IT'S LATER THAN JAN 4 DEADLINE - TALKED WITH Prof. Michael Meyer AT ExoPAG19
Post-Doc with Andrew Mann            Jan 15?   --------- ---------   --------- ---------   2018.1229 2019.0122   --------- ---------  Link      Only need a letter from Todd. You will receive an email request from UNC Chapel Hill.
CHEOPS Post-Doc                      Jan 30    2019.0122 2019.0130   2019.0122 2019.0130   2019.0122 2019.0128   --------- ---------  Link      .... 
Post-Doc Georg-August U Goettingen   Jan 31    2019.0122 2019.0130   2019.0122 2019.0130   2019.0122 2019.0128   --------- ---------  Links 1&2 .... 


ESO Fellowship Chile                 Oct 15    --------- ---------   --------- ---------   --------- ---------   --------- ---------  ----      ----
ESO Fellowship Europe                Oct 15    --------- ---------   --------- ---------   --------- ---------   --------- ---------  ----      ----
Carnegie Postdoctoral Positions      Nov ??    --------- ---------   --------- ---------   --------- ---------   --------- ---------  Link      An email will be sent to letter writers when the application is submitted. Applying to Carnegie Fellowship and Carnegie Origins Fellowship (probably not Carnegie-Princeton Fellowship after all)
NAOJ Postdoctoral Research Fellow    Nov 15    --------- ---------   --------- ---------   --------- ---------   --------- ---------  ----      ----
Institute of Advanced Study Postdoc  Nov 15    --------- ---------   --------- ---------   2018.1015 2018.1015   --------- ---------  Link      Expect an email from AcademicJobsOnline.com (hopefully an email address will make it obvious?) I am applying to be a 'postdoctoral member'
EACOA and EAO Fellowships            Nov 15    --------- ---------   --------- ---------   --------- ---------   --------- ---------  Link      An email will be sent to letter writers when the application is submitted.
ASIAA Postdoctoral Positions         Nov 16    --------- ---------   --------- ---------   --------- ---------   --------- ---------  Link      ....
PSL Postdoctoral Fellowships         Nov 18    --------- ---------   --------- ---------   --------- ---------   --------- ---------  Link      ....
Gavin Boyle Fellowship               Nov 29    --------- ---------   --------- ---------   --------- ---------   --------- ---------  ....      ....
Trottier Postdoc (iREx)              Nov 30    --------- ---------   --------- ---------   --------- ---------   --------- ---------  ....      ....
UC San Diego                         Nov 30    --------- ---------   --------- ---------   --------- ---------   --------- ---------  ....      email to qkonopacky@ucsd.edu
Carnegie DTM Fellowship              Dec 01    --------- ---------   --------- ---------   --------- ---------   --------- ---------  Link      ....
CIERA Fellowships                    Dec 01    --------- ---------   --------- ---------   --------- ---------   --------- ---------  Link      ....
University of Cambridge              Dec 03    --------- ---------   --------- ---------   --------- ---------   --------- ---------  ....      ....
LCO Staff Scientist                  Dec 14    --------- ---------   --------- ---------   --------- ---------   --------- ---------  Link      ....
AURA/NOAO Postdoc                    Dec 15    --------- ---------   --------- ---------   --------- ---------   --------- ---------  ....      ....
Tycho Brahe Exoplanet Fellowship     Dec 15    ......... .........   ......... .........   ......... .........   --------- ---------  Link      ....
Cornell Research Associate (Postdoc) Dec 20    ......... .........   ......... .........   ......... .........   --------- ---------  Link      ....
FFL Harvard                          Dec 21    --------- ---------   --------- ---------   --------- ---------   --------- ---------  ....      ....
AURA/Gemini Postdoc                  Dec 31    ......... .........   ......... .........   ......... .........   --------- ---------  Link      ....
Lecturer U of Groningen              Jan 07    --------- ---------   ......... .........   ......... .........   ......... .........  Link      Send them to me to upload??? Also note: I don't know Python, but I'm a good match for observatory stuff...
Research Assoc in Observ. La Silla   Jan 10    ......... .........   ......... .........   ......... .........   --------- ---------  Link      .... 
Exoplanet Atmospheres UT Austin      Jan 15    ......... .........   ......... .........   ......... .........   --------- ---------  Link      .... 
Swarthmore Teaching Post-Doc         Jan 18    --------- ---------   --------- ---------   --------- ---------   --------- ---------  Link      .... NOPE because all areas of astronomy
Columbus Prize @ Ohio State          Jan 30    ......... .........   ......... .........   ......... .........   --------- ---------  Link      ....
Provost Fellowship U Chicago         Jan 31    --------- ---------   --------- ---------   --------- ---------   --------- ---------  ....      ....
NPF Postdoc with Amelia Bayo         Feb 28    ......... .........   ......... .........   ......... .........   --------- ---------  Link      ....
MPIA/PUC Exoplanet Postdoc           Feb 22    ......... .........   ......... .........   ......... .........   --------- ---------  Link      .... M Dwarfs + Planets - IRAP/OMP France Feb 15    ......... .........   ......... .........   ......... .........   --------- ---------  Link      .... 
MEarth TESS Postdoc                  Feb 13    --------- ---------   2019.0206 .........   2019.0206 .........   --------- ---------  Link      Email to Dave Charbonneau at dcharbonneau@cfa.harvard.edu
Postdoc w/ Elisabeth Newton          Feb 15    ......... .........   ......... .........   ......... .........   --------- ---------  Link      NOTE - said she's not interested in radii when we spoke at AAS233 - perhaps I will relate to her rotation and activity results???
TESS Support Scientist @ MIT         Feb 26    ......... .........   ......... .........   ......... .........   --------- ---------  Link      .... 
U Western Ontario w/ Stan Metchev    Mar 01    ......... .........   ......... .........   ......... .........   --------- ---------  Link      ....
Postdocs in Exoplanets w/ Tinney     Mar 05    ......... .........   ......... .........   ......... .........   --------- ---------  Link      ....
University of Geneva Exoplanets      Mar 15    ......... .........   ......... .........   ......... .........   --------- ---------  Link      .... 

AMNH Fellowship                      Nov 15    --------- ---------   --------- ---------   --------- ---------   --------- ---------  ....      depends on if I make it past round 1

Notes for Michele
LSA Collegiate Fellows 

     Finalists will be invited to the University of Michigan campus in
     January or February. When invited, expectations for that visit
     will be communicated. Offers will be made by March 2019.

NASA Postdoctoral Program           
     USRA will notify applicants of the results of the review. The
     review results are typically available within 2–3 months after
     the application deadline. Link

     RECEIVED OFFER ON 2019.0206

Princeton Postdoctoral Positions - Henry Norris Russell Fellowship    


Swift Post Doc at NASA GSFC & University of Maryland, Baltimore County (UMBC)      

     Selection Deadline: Saturday, December 15, 2018

     SHORTLIST - Tom Barclay @ AAS233 (Wednesday, January 9th, 2019)

Max Planck Fellowship                

     2019.0127 on Rumor Mill: At least some interviews are scheduled.
     2019.0129 on Rumor Mill: Some offers made Jan 28th.

Johns Hopkins - Davis

     2019.0118 on Rumor Mill: At least some shortlisted candidates interviewed, including Sunny Vagnozzi.
     2019.0210 on Rumor Mill: Offer made and accepted.

Johns Hopkins - General

     Selection Deadline: Friday, February 15, 2019


     Selection Deadline: Monday, December 31, 2018

     Set up and performed an interview with Karl Stapelfeldt & Eric
     Mamajek at ExoPAG19 (2019.0106) - note that they had looked over
     my application

Potsdam - Karl Schwarzschild

     starts in the 2nd half of 2019

     2019.0129 on Rumor Mill: Shortlisted and longlisted candidates were notified.

Potsdam - General 

     Letter writers may be contacted later in the selection
     process. To be filled at the earliest possible date.

     LONGLIST - 2019.0116 - Email from Katja Poppenhaeger:

          Dear Michele Silverstein,
          we'd like to let you know that our committee has longlisted
          you for the postdoctoral position on exoplanetary research
          with my group at AIP in Potsdam/Germany. This means that we
          are currently conducting some skype interviews of
          shortlisted candidates, and we will potentially ask you for
          a skype interview in the following weeks. In the meantime we
          wish you all the best,
          Katja Poppenhaeger

     2019.0129 on Rumor Mill: Interviews ongoing, result expected early February.

University of Michigan w/ Michael Meyer

     Selection Deadline: Thursday, February 18, 2019

     2019.0127 on Rumor Mill: Interviews underway (1/23/19)


University of North Carolina @ Chapel Hill w/ Andrew Mann

     Selection Deadline: Friday, March 1, 2019

CHEOPS Postdoc

     Selection Deadline: Thursday, January 31, 2019 (unlikely - submission by Jan 30)

     Starting date not later than 30th September 2019

     Rejection email sent 2019.0218

Gemini-North Science Ops Specialist

     Position will remain open until filled

Post-Doc Georg-August U Goettingen


Applied (18)
LSA Collegiate Fellows
AMNH Fellowship
CSH Fellowships
NASA Postdoctoral Program
Princeton Postdoctoral Positions - Henry Norris Russel Fellowship
Stockholm U Exoplanets Postdoc
Swift Post Doc at NASA GSFC
Max Planck Fellowship
Johns Hopkins x 2
Postdoc in Exoplanet Research (AIP)  
Karl Schwarzschild Postdoc (AIP)
University of Michigan w/ Michael Meyer
University of North Carolina @ Chapel Hill w/ Andrew Mann
CHEOPS Postdoc
Gemini-North Science Ops Specialist
Post-Doc Georg-August U Goettingen

NASA Postdoctoral Program

Interview Offered Post-GSFC 3/18
Swift Post Doc at NASA GSFC
University of Michigan w/ Michael Meyer
Post-Doc Georg-August U Goettingen

Short List 0/18

Long List 1/18
Postdoc in Exoplanet Research (AIP) --- there is also a short list

Looking Bad 1/18
Max Planck Fellowship                

Miss 8/18
LSA Collegiate Fellowship
CSH Fellowships
Stockholm U Exoplanets Postdoc
Johns Hopkins - Davis
CHEOPS Postdoc
JPL (ExEP) (post-interview)
Karl Schwarzschild Postdoc (AIP)

No Info/Informed of GSFC 3/18
Princeton Postdoctoral Positions - Henry Norris Russel Fellowship
University of North Carolina @ Chapel Hill w/ Andrew Mann
Gemini-North Science Ops Specialist