Hola Alberto! The night of 06 JUN 2006 is primarily for the Schaefer program. But, if you get a chance before and after that one object is observed, please observe the following for CTIOPI. 1. The priorities are the same as always: 1. Stars with * 10 should be done first. 2. Stars with * 5 should be done second. 3. Stars with 10 should be done third. 4. Stars with 5 should be done last. 2. Even though they will not be on the meridian when the Schaefer program is done, please observe GJ0667C, GJ0682, GL0754, and GJ0831AB after the Schaefer program. 3. Some stars need about 5 frames and some stars need about 10 frames. The number of frames needed is given in the #FRM column. Five frames is enough for those needing 5. It is ok to get 8-10 frames for the ones that need 10 frames (we don't need more than 10 for any target). This list is also posted on the SMARTS observing website for the 0.9m at http://www.chara.gsu.edu/~thenry/SMARTS/schedule2006A.htm. Cielos claros! Todd _______________________________________________________________________________________ *********************** SUN on 06 JUN 2006: RA 05:00 DEC +22 *********************** _______________________________________________________________________________________ REGULAR CTIOPI TARGETS _______________________________________________________________________________________ RA (2000.0) DEC proper motion #FRM Name eve mor sample dist _______________________________________________________________________________________ 12 07 33.4 -39 32 54.0 0.000 000.0 * 5 2MA1207-3932 8 5 MUSTDO 12 29 29.0 -56 00 00.0 1.250 231.9 5 GJ1158 13 31 MOTION 13.6 12 50 52.2 -21 21 09.0 0.555 125.8 5 P0174-2 0 5 NEWREC 12.3 13 42 02.8 -34 15 19.1 2.547 296.7 5 LSR1342-3415 0 6 WDWARF 18 14 12 28.9 +16 35 57.8 5 LP439-387 26 27 WDWARF 14 42 52.4 -78 23 53.9 5 LTT5814 20 22 WDWARF 15 14 54.4 -31 50 16.1 1.010 212.1 * 5 LHS3045 0 5 MOTION *************** SCHAEFER PROGRAM FOR 4 HOURS !!! *************** 17 18 58.3 -34 59 41.0 1.180 098.3 * 10 GJ0667C 37 30 ASPENS 7.2 17 37 03.7 -44 19 09.0 1.176 217.1 * 10 GJ0682 49 55 ASPENS 5.0 19 20 48.0 -45 33 27.0 2.945 167.3 * 10 GL0754 85 71 MONEY! 5.9 21 31 18.9 -09 47 22.0 1.194 090.8 * 10 GJ0831AB 65 44 MASSIF 7.9 22 21 10.4 -19 58 05.4 1.060 124.6 5 P4592-1 6 5 MOTION 95.6 22 23 06.6 -17 36 25.0 0.778 158.3 10 LHS3799 56 21 ASPENS 7.4 22 38 33.4 -15 18 07.0 3.254 046.6 10 GJ0866ABC 32 20 ASPENS 3.5 22 45 00.0 -33 15 25.0 0.206 120.0 5 LP984-092 6 18 BARTLT 8.3 22 49 08.4 -28 51 19.0 0.289 216.0 5 LP932-083 6 17 BARTLT 14.1 22 53 16.7 -14 15 49.0 1.174 125.1 10 GJ0876 33 16 ASPENS 4.7 22 53 53.4 -06 46 54.0 2.570 106.0 10 GJ1276 36 19 ASPENS 8.1 22 56 25.0 -60 03 45.3 1.060 209.0 5 GJ1277 28 40 MOTION 8.9 23 06 29.3 -05 02 29.0 ----- ----- 5 2MA2306-0502 6 11 BARTLT 10.2 _______________________________________________________________________________________