Southern Telescope AGN Reverberation Experiment

Observing Details

We request multicolor CCD observations of two nearby active galactic nuclei. In each case, the target is the star-like nucleus of the galaxy.

Observations are requested once per night from 10 May - 31 August 2012 in BVRI filters, with priority given to B and V bands. These observations will help us to track the continuum variations of each object. Unfortunately, unfiltered CCD observations will not be useful to the campaign due to the multiple wavelength-dependent variations we are seeking.

Coordinates, finding charts with comparison stars, and observing notes for each object are provided below. We encourage observers to use the comparison stars indicated on the finding chart for each object when providing photometry. Please also use the specified photometric aperture size and background annulus for each target.

The variability in these targets cannot be predicted in advance, but similar targets have been seen to vary by up to 0.5 or even 1.0 mag over a few weeks. As such, the magnitude estimates below are currently that -- estimates. They will be updated as the campaign progresses to more accurately reflect the current magnitude of each object.

Please direct questions to the STARE team at:

Target R.A.
(hh mm ss.s)
(dd mm ss)
NGC 6814 19 42 40.6 -10 19 25 ~14.0
1H 1934-063 19 37 33.0 -06 13 05 ~14.0

Previous Campaigns

Targets monitored from 10 February - 31 May 2012:

Target R.A.
(hh mm ss.s)
(dd mm ss)
NGC 3783 11 39 01.7 -37 44 19 ~13.0
ESO 383-G035 13 35 53.7 -34 17 44 ~14.0

Targets monitored from 10 July - 30 November 2011:

Target R.A.
(hh mm ss.s)
(dd mm ss)
NGC 6814 19 42 40.6 -10 19 25 ~14.0
NGC 7213 22 09 16.3 -47 10 00 ~15.0
NGC 7469 23 03 15.6 +08 52 26 ~14.5
NGC 1566 04 20 00.4 -54 56 16 ~14.5

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