Oral Presentations


Session 1: X-ray Absorbers and Ultra-Fast Outflows

(Chair: Mike Eracleous)


Jane Turner: Mapping AGN Winds with X-ray reverberation         

Misaki Mizumoto: X-ray short time lags in the Fe-K band produced by disk winds in AGN

Sibasish Laha: A comprehensive sample study of ionized absorbers in X-rays (WAX) in AGN. An insight into feedback and dynamics

Jerry Kriss: Chasing obscuring outflows in AGN: Broad, Fast, UV and X-ray Absorption in NGC 3783 and other AGN  

Tek P. Adhikari: Absorption measure distribution in active galactic nuclei  

George Chartas: Quasar Outflows Near the Peak of AGN Activity.           

Junjie Mao: Self-consistent photoionized plasma modelling of NGC 3783 in X-rays

Smita Mathur: Relics of AGN feedback in our Milky Way 

Daniel Proga: The physical models and observational consequences of AGN winds

Chris Done: Physical models for winds in AGN      

Sergei Dyda: Observational Features of X-ray Irradiated Flows      

Yanfei Jiang: Continuum Radiation Driven Outflow from Quasar Accretion

Anjali Gupta: AGN Outflows: Probing an Unexplored Parameter Space     

Steve Kraemer: Probing the Physical Properties and Origins of Ultra-fast Outflows in AGN        

Mariko Nomura: A Novel Model for Line-driven Disk Winds: Origin of UFOs and Self-regulation of SMBH Growth          

Keigo Fukumura: A Magnetic View of AGN Disk-Winds   

Massimo Gaspari: Unifying the micro and macro properties of AGN feedback and feeding           


Session 2: Broad and Narrow Absorption Lines

(Chair: Jane Turner)


Frederick Hamann: On the Masses and Mass Loss Rates in Broad Absorption Line Outflows

Nahum Arav: 50% of quasar outflows are situated at least 100 parsecs from the central source

Paola Rodriguez Hidalgo: Emergence, Extremely High Velocities, and Strange Variability of Quasar Outflows

W. Niel Brandt: Latest Results from a Large-Scale Spectroscopic Survey of Quasar Wind Variability       

Karen Leighly: SimBAL: Spectral Synthesis for Broad Absorption Line Quasars

Patrick Hall: Updates on Emergent and Redshifted BAL Quasars   

James Matthews: Testing quasar unification with radiative transfer simulations and large observational datasets 

Kouichi Hagino: Connection between UV and X-ray disk winds in APM 08279+5255

Chris Culliton: Probing Quasar Winds Using Intrinsic Narrow Absorption Lines   





Session 3: Broad-Line Region, Torus, and Disk Winds

(Chair: Karen Leighly)


Martin Elvis: A Cool Mist in a Warm Wind: the Origin of the Broad Emission Line Region

Sam Mangham: Self-Consistent Reverberation Mapping of Emission Lines Formed in Rotating Disk Winds        

Gordon Richards: These aren't the BALs you're looking for (and other short stories)  

Ari Laor: On the source of the BLR Gas, and the Origin of the BAL Outflows

Peter Williams : Modeling the broad line region of AGN with reverberation mapping data

Tim Waters: Properties, dynamics, and spectral signatures of clouds in AGN        

David Williamson: What drives dusty winds? Radiation hydrodynamics of the parsec-scale environment of AGN           

Sebastian Hoenig: Dusty disks and dusty winds: How IR interferometry reshapes our picture of the circumnuclear environment of AGN

Peter Maksym: Multi-wavelength Imaging of Sub-kpc Feedback in NGC 3393


Session 4: Narrow-Line Region Outflows

(Chair: Fred Hamann)


Mike Crenshaw: Outflows, inflows, and rotation in the Narrow-Line Regions of Seyfert Galaxies

Crystal L Gnilka: Determining the Narrow-Line Region Geometry of Mrk 3 with Gemini/NIFS                   

Mitchell Revalski: A Spatially Resolved Mass Outflow Rate for Markarian 573: In-Situ Radiative Driving of the Narrow Line Region Gas

Travis Fischer: Do QSO2s have Narrow-Line Region Outflows? Implications for quasar-mode feedback

Daniel R. Dutra: Ionized gas kinematics in local active galaxies: A comprehensive view of inflows and outflows              

Taro Shimizu: The Inner Regions of AGN: A SINFONI Study of Gas Outflows and Feeding in Local, X-ray Selected AGN

Francisco Muller-Sanchez: The Keck OSIRIS Nearby AGN Survey: The Role of AGN-driven Outflows in the Evolution of Seyfert Galaxies

Xin Liu: A high fraction of double-peaked narrow emission lines in powerful AGN           

Rebecca Nevin: Moderate Luminosity AGN as Drivers of Feedback


Session 5: Galactic-Scale Outflows, Feedback

 (Chair: Daniel Proga)


David Rupke: Ubiquitous, Spatially Resolved Quasar-Mode Feedback in Nearby Quasars and Correlations with Black Hole Properties

Alex Richings: Molecule formation in AGN-driven galactic winds

Laura Di Gesu: The case of the galactic wind in 1H 0419-577

Guilherme S. Couto: Circumnuclear gaseous kinematics and excitation of four local radio galaxies  

Eckhard Sturm: Molecular Outflows and Feedback in the Local Universe

Helen Russell: Massive molecular gas flows and AGN feedback in galaxy clusters 

Dong Zhang: Radiation Hydrodynamics of Dust-Driven Galactic Winds    

Rahul Kannan: Increasing the coupling efficiency between the AGN driven winds and ICM through anisotropic thermal conduction

Michael Tremmel: How to Quench a Galaxy


Poster Presentations



1. Randall Dannen: On the efficiency of line-driving of AGN winds 

2. Viraja Khatu: X-ray Insights into Mini Low Ionization Broad Absorption Line Quasars    

3. Robyn Smith: Constraining the Launching Radius of the Ionized Outflow in NGC 3783  

4. Jack Gabel: Testing Accretion Disk Wind Models of BALQSOs with SDSS Spectra         

5. Francis MacInnis: Constraining Outflow Location in FeLoBALs Using Spectral Synthesis Program SimBAL       

6. Donald Terndrup: A New Analysis of the Quasar PG 0946+301  

7. Michael Eracleous: Models for the Profiles of Intrinsic Narrow Absorption Lines in Quasar Spectra        

8. Xinfeng Xu: The Distance of Quasar outflows: VLT/X-SHOOTER Survey         

9. Rajib Ganguly: Intrinsic, Narrow N V Absorption Reveals a Clumpy Outflow in z < 0.4 Radio-Loud Quasars    

10. Chris Culliton: Understanding Low-Redshift Quasar Outflows Using Intrinsic NV Absorption Lines

11. Robert B. Stone: Radio Weather Report: AALs and BALs say it's going to be windy       

12. Jay Dunn: An Update on the Intrinsic Absorption in Nearby AGN         

13. Michael Eracleous: The Ultraviolet Spectra of Active Galaxies With Double-Peaked Balmer Emission Lines    

14. Caroline A. Roberts: Stellar Dynamical Modeling of AGN for Comparison with Reverberation Mapping           

15. Tim Waters: Responsivities for Reverberation Mapping Calculations       

16. Frederick Hamann: Extreme Outflows in Extremely Red Quasars          

17. Marta Venanzi: Optical and infrared radiation pressure on dust and gas around AGN as divers of dusty winds   

18. Camilo Machuca: Extended Gas Kinematics and Ionization Mechanisms in the Seyfert 2 Galaxy Markarian 3   

19. Helene Flohic: The Limited Impact of Outflows: Integral-field Spectroscopy of 20 Local AGNs

20. Jessie Runnoe: A Survey of Kiloparsec-scale Outflows in Nearby Unobscured Quasars

21. Luciano del Valle: The effect of AGN feedback in the migration timescale of super massive black holes binaries           

22. Nathaniel Roth: Inferring properties of outflows associated with tidal disruption events via analysis of optical and UV spectra

23. Misty Bentz: Black Hole Masses: Comparing Results from Reverberation Mapping and Stellar Dynamics

24. Truong Le: Jets Launching Radius in Low-Power Radio-Loud AGNs     

25. Timothy Miller: Co-spatial UV-Optical HST/STIS Observations of Seven Planetary Nebulae: Spectral Analysis and Cloudy Modeling  

26. Yue Shen: A Time-Domain Spectroscopic Survey of Quasars in the Era of LSST